Supernanny: How to Get the Best From Your Children, by Jo Frost

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Supernanny: How to Get the Best From Your Children, by Jo Frost

Supernanny: How to Get the Best From Your Children, by Jo Frost

Supernanny: How to Get the Best From Your Children, by Jo Frost

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Supernanny: How to Get the Best From Your Children, by Jo Frost

Problem: Toilet-training Supernanny Solution: Prepare your child by taking any hint of shame or disgust out of what is simply a natural fact of life. Keep the door open, bring her into the bathroom with you, and explain what's happening, including the use of toilet paper and the washing of hands afterward.

Product details

Paperback: 224 pages

Publisher: Hyperion; 1 edition (January 12, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1401308104

ISBN-13: 978-1401308100

Product Dimensions:

7.2 x 8.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

196 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#59,264 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

We first encountered this book at a friends house when we visited earlier this month. After reading just a few pages, both my husband and I decided to order it and ship it home so it would be waiting for us when we returned. The principles and practices laid out in Supernanny are clear, concise and sound. Jo Frost has a natural demeanor in her writing that makes you want to relax as a parent, as you realize you are not alone in your battle of toddlerhood. She eases you into new perspectives and approaches, shifting your gaze from wanting to control your children, to aspiring to lead them with a newfound empathy of thier own struggles of learning about life and how to live it. This is a great read. The most important principle I have learned so far is to not give in or give up. After just one week of applying the 'Naughty Step', I am not only seeing some response in my toddler, but am finding an inner peace (sometimes) while working with her to correct 'naughty' behaviors (instead of my normal frantic state prior). Looking forward to reading more and keeping this one handy for years to come.

Great book. She focuses on the age of 2 ish years I would say, and right around there. Yes, she goes into other ages, but I found her focus stuck to under 5. Helpful for those toddler years for sure, but not super great for older kids.

I haven't read this one all the way through yet, but it is exactly what I needed so far!It's easy to read and she words it in ways to make it flow from book to practical knowledge quickly. I also love that she includes real life examples to relate to. I'm so excited to read more and help my toddler become a well-mannered young man in the coming years!

Ever since I started watching Jo Frost expertly handle unruly children on her show Super Nanny several years ago I have been awed and humbled by her powers - lol. She can turn an undisciplined child (toddler to 5-6 yr olds) around with firm, consistent rules, without yelling or spanking/hitting him or her and with compassion and love. It is a power to behold as far as I'm concerned and what she teaches on her show (which comes from her 15 years of experience as a professional nanny to British and American families) is written in a clear, concise manner in her book "How to Get the Best from Your Child". I purchased this book shortly after my daughter was born, but didn't start using some of Jo Frost's suggestions until she was well into her first year. They work! My child is approaching the terrible two stage and my family is getting ready for the "naughty step/room" technique.You must have a certain level of patience to undertake the disciplinary steps that Jo Frost recommends, but you will see results. I cannot tout this book highly enough - there are many news reports of children being severely abused (some dying from the abuse) in this country. For the survivors of childhood abuse, they often grow into adulthood emotionally damaged. Some people clearly shouldn't be parents and no matter what you tell them they will still abuse their children, but there are others who may simply not know how to properly discipline a child or may be "old school" about it. Introduce yourself or them to Super Nanny! When the kids grow up they'll be glad you did.

This was another book I bought to help me with my parenting tasks. This book is at my bedside and has been for quite some time. It is amazing how we go back to our "Old Ways" or do what was done to us without even thinking about it. This book has definitely taught me many different techniques in parenting my children that have HELPED tremendously in my home. I really enjoyed watching the show in the beginning but it seems that it is the same problems. My children have never been out of control like the children that are on the show but I have lost it myself and did things that I later felt was not in the best interest of my family. (Yell)The book helps to change that and keeping it close by-allows for you to stay on the right path so that you don't fall back into your past techniques that did not work to begin with.The layout of the book is great. It is an easy read reference book. Although this woman is not a parent herself-she has very good techniques that DO work for parents and care givers. I definitely recommend this book.

Let me 1st start with I LOVE my toddler. My son is a wonderful little boy... with A LOT of energy. Yes, my son like everyone's children is just perfect. Except for those moments when he doesnt want to eat his lunch, go to bed, take a bath, share his toys, or use his indoor voice LOL If your like me and your not Mary Poppins when it comes to your kids- sometimes you need some help on figuring out how to correct bad behavior without losing your cool. This book has been very helpful in showing me new ways to approach things, how to talk to my son so he understands me, how to recognize what my sons point of view is and how I should talk to him if I want him to understand what I want. There are a lot of parenting books that tell you either what your kid is doing wrong or what your doing wrong as a parent... THIS IS NOT THAT TYPE OF BOOK! THIS BOOK REEDUCATED Parents and shows them the loving way to correct their children without it turning into a huge fight. I am very grateful for my husband finding this book. (just dont tell him that) Its worth a read!!

This book is illustrated, bigger than a normal paperback, and well made. It's also illustrated! And Jo just KNOWS. Would highly recommend!

I bought this book when my son was two years old. I always wondered that this system will work on my son because he was very strong will. I am very happy that this book changed him and he is such a good boy now. It took some time but consistence in discipline changed our son. The system described in the book is easy to follow and bottom line is that for bad behavior there will be consequences. My son likes to have choices and we hold him accountable for every action.

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Supernanny: How to Get the Best From Your Children, by Jo Frost PDF

Supernanny: How to Get the Best From Your Children, by Jo Frost PDF

Supernanny: How to Get the Best From Your Children, by Jo Frost PDF
Supernanny: How to Get the Best From Your Children, by Jo Frost PDF

Supernanny: How to Get the Best From Your Children, by Jo Frost
